Letter to GMAX Trustees

To my fellow Trustees,

Following the successful fundraising activity this Saturday for the ‘Run with Gmax’ campaign, I find it fitting to write to you to express my gratitude and pride in taking part in this important event.

As most of you would have already heard from Mark, Jamie and Feni through our WhatsApp group, everything went according to plan. Even one of the stadium event managers told me that they have rarely ever seen an organisation as coordinated as we were or setup up in record time for an event.

That said, they didn’t see all the workarounds we put in place and quick thinking to address a few last minute surprises that could have caused some issues. What was most important was that all the participants were made to feel catered for and they were treated like real professional athletes attending a well thought-out event with free food, drinks etc. All that was missing was the BBC but we had our own production team and I can’t wait for all the video footage to be released.

We know as Trustees that we spent month’s planning for this and we held weekly strategy meetings in the last 4 weeks leading up to this event. It has to be noted that Jamie has done a fantastic job in completing one of our strategic objectives which he was assigned. This was to head our fundraising activities and lead a successful campaign to elevate Gmax as well as raise the organisation’s profile. I think you will all agree that he has more than delivered on this remit and his whole family has been a strong and exemplary pilar of support to him and Gmax as a whole. We express our gratitude and respect for the all the dedication we’ve witnessed to date.

Mark and Veronica, none of this would have been possible without the infectious passion you bring to the table every day. You both have the most to lose and carry great risks with this Charity while expecting very little in return except the impact made on the young lives of the kids and adults that benefit from Gmax. Please keep up the great work as the advantages are immeasurable.

Trustees, I know you have volunteered your time and expertise over and above the call of duty. We have accomplished a lot together, especially across challenging times. I believe you are equally as proud of our accomplishments and I will aim to summarise our progress to date at out next board meeting by taking a snapshot of all our original objectives and seeing how we stack up against them. I’m quietly confident that we have smashed them out of the park and must equally say THANK YOU!

I think we have lots of great things to take from this latest event and I would recommend we have a debrief session in order to reflect and come up with some great strategies to build from this and replicate it in other areas where possible. I’ll pick this up with Mark and get Stela to arrange a suitable time especially if we can’t afford to wait to the next Board meeting. The ‘Run with Gmax’ event could easily become an annual event as one of many examples of learnings to take from this. There’s equally so much we can do with all the event material gathered by the production team too.

On a personal note, I couldn’t have picked a better Charity to work for. As I’m sure you all know, it’s never about the organisation but the people behind it and I’ve learnt a lot from you all plus it’s been a real pleasure to serve amongst you.

Best regards,
David Emuan – Chairman